A mobile robot scientist capable of carrying out experiments by itself

It can work 24/7, make its own decisions about which chemistry experiments to perform next.

A new robotic system that powerfully disinfects large surfaces in half an hour

A team from MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL), in collaboration with Ava Robotics and the Greater Boston Food Bank (GBFB), designed...

Scientists developed the fastest soft robot

By getting inspired by the biomechanics of cheetahs, scientists at North Carolina State University have developed the fastest ever soft robot that can move...

HCARD, a robot, to assist frontline COVID-19 healthcare warriors

Healthcare workers at hospitals are risking COVID-19 infection by taking care of those infected by it 24/7. Perhaps the level of risk may get...

New disinfection robot could aid cleaners in COVID-19 outbreak

In this Coronavirus outbreak, there is a demand for deep cleaning and disinfection services. As per news reports, working hours for cleaners have multiplied...

Pollen-based paper for future robotic applications

Scientists at Singapore's Nanyang Technological University (NTU Singapore) have transformed the ultra-tough pollen grains from sunflowers into a pliable, gel-like material through a process...

UniSA develops pandemic drone to detect Coronavirus in the crowd

We already know the role that drones have played in China during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic, either by distributing medicines, disinfecting the...

Motorized ankle exoskeleton boosts runner’s speed by 10%

Exoskeletons - robotic wearable technologies that increase our physical capabilities - are slowly leaving the world of comics to become a reality. A number...

A new way to sensorize soft robots and wearables

Many soft robotic systems require integrated sensors that can extend and accommodate along surface contours. Over the last decade, composite materials made using polymer...

Octopus-inspired Tentacle Bot can handle a wide range of objects

We, human beings, are able to grab objects with our hand thanks to the thumb that serves as a clamp. It brings precision and...

A blood-sampling robot for automated blood drawing and testing

In the first human clinical trial, an automated device performed better than people.

Bionic heart for testing prosthetic valves, other cardiac devices

Device made of heart tissue and a robotic pumping system beats like the real thing.

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