
Tomato & potato fruit color, size evolved together

In-depth Phylogeny reveals linked evolution of fruit traits in Solanum L.

Oldest marine plant found by genetic clock

Somatic genetic clock discovered for clonal species.

Unlocking the secrets: Barley plants and soil microbes

The custom community of beneficial microbes improve the plants’ growth.

Nanomedicine and digital twin tech tackle food insecurity and climate change

How medical models can transform agriculture?

Higher temperatures drain plants of important dietary nutrients

Key nutrients help plants beat the heat.

To grow their roots, plants feel gravity

Beneath the surface.

A new species of the Japanese lily identified for the first time since 1914

1st addition to sukashiyuri group in 110 years.

Simple mathematical rules can’t explain the complexity of forests

The way trees grow together do not resemble how branches grow on a single tree.

How do tomato plants protect themselves from drought?

Combining new and classical methods.

Pathogenic fungi infecting the Eucalyptus snout beetle in Eucalyptus forest

Way to develop a bio-pesticide for controlling the beetle.

Beautiful sound of the World’s largest living thing recorded

Listening to the largest tree on earth.

A plant gene required for root hair growth found in grasses

Plant cell types: Unlocking the mystery of root hair development.

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