ScienceQuantum Physics

Quantum Physics

quantum geometry
Quantum Physics

Quantum geometry measured for the first time

Pranjal Malewar

Work opens new avenues for understanding, manipulating electrons in materials.

Motion colorful dots pattern
Quantum Physics

A particle that’s massless when moving in one direction but has a mass in the other direction

Amit Malewar

This was totally unexpected.

Quantum Scars in Lead
Quantum Physics

Study confirms a 40-year-old quantum theory

Jay Kakade

In 1984, physicist Eric J. Heller proposed a theory stating that electrons are confined in a quantum space and move along a definite orbit...

light beams carrying orbital angular momentum
Quantum Physics

A novel way to use light to give electrons a spinning kick

Amit Malewar

A light beam can reliably transfer orbital angular momentum to itinerant electrons in graphene.

entangled laser light
Quantum Physics

A new way of entangling light and sound

Pranjal Malewar

This entanglement is resilient to external noise.

Simulation of quantum vortices superimposed with experimental data.
Quantum Physics

A missing hallmark of superfluidity demonstrated

Amit Malewar

Quan­tum vor­tices con­firm super­flu­id­ity in super­solid.

atom is hit by a laser pulse
Quantum Physics

Scientists investigated the fastness of quantum entanglement at the attosecond scale

Pranjal Malewar

How fast is quantum entanglement?

quantum gravity
Quantum Physics

Groundbreaking study reveals quantum secrets of gravity

Pranjal Malewar

The quantum nature of gravity.

Quantum Physics

Quantum entanglement observed at the highest energy yet

Pranjal Malewar

A new perspective on the complex world of quantum physics.

Quantum Physics

A new way to capture physicists’ most wanted particle — the graviton

Pranjal Malewar

Next-generation quantum sensors can catch a single one.

quantum fluid
Quantum Physics

Physicists capture images of ultracold atoms flowing freely in an exotic edge state

Amit Malewar

Atoms on the edge.

Sagnac interferometer built with 2-kilometers of optical fibers wrapped around 1.4 meter sided square aluminum frame.
Quantum Physics

Quantum entanglement reacts to Earth’s spin

Ashwini Sakharkar

Quantum entangled photons measures Earth rotations.

A spin (blue ball with arrow) interacts with the surrounding bosons described by non-Gaussian states – a new computational method to accurately describe what happens inside quantum devices.
Quantum Physics

Exploring uncharted territory in quantum devices

Amit Malewar

This promises advancements in quantum computing and sensing.

Technology and innovation concept
Quantum Physics

The world’s smallest quantum light detector on a silicon chip

Amit Malewar

An important breakthrough.

3d illustration of abstract background with bokeh lights and glass balls
Quantum Physics

Finding quantum order in chaos

Pranjal Malewar

Harnessing chemical reactions for future applications in quantum information science.

magnetic field quantum
Quantum Physics

The quantum amplification of a fragile magnetic field realized for the first time

Pranjal Malewar

A single measurement to sub-femtotesla level.

Caption:Lasers of different colors
Quantum Physics

Physicists arrange atoms in high proximity

Amit Malewar

The technique opens possibilities for exploring exotic states of matter and building new quantum materials.

Quantum Physics

Scientists successfully demonstrated quantum interference among several single photons

Pranjal Malewar

A leap forward in optical quantum computing.

Time dependent interference fringes from the ultrafast Kapitza Dirac Effect
Quantum Physics

Scientists visualized quantum effects in electron waves

Amit Malewar

Kapitza-Dirac effect used to show temporal evolution of electron waves.

Abstract fire style background
Quantum Physics

Improving quantum computing using polarization

Amit Malewar

Paving the way for quantum imaging in many different fields.

graphene layer protects against water
Quantum Physics

An innovative protective film for 2D quantum materials

Amit Malewar

Umbrella for atoms.

quantum leap
Quantum Physics

Milestone: Scientists controlled quantum phenomena at room temperature

Amit Malewar

A “quantum leap” at room temperature.

A colorful image of a brain with a light on it
Quantum Physics

Quantum research sheds light on the mystery of high-temperature superconductivity

Amit Malewar

Addressing the world’s energy problems.

quantum interference
Quantum Physics

A new multiphoton effect found within quantum interference of light

Amit Malewar

Researchers disproved previously valid assumptions.

abstract fire style background
Quantum Physics

False vacuum decay: New research sheds light on the phenomenon

Amit Malewar

First experimental evidence of vacuum decay.

Nanotechnology applications
Quantum Physics

An abrupt change in quantum behavior defies current theories of superconductivity

Amit Malewar

Surprising quantum phenomena.

A nanoscale-sized glass bead
Quantum Physics

Pioneering experiment: Observ­ing macro­scopic quan­tum effects in the dark

Amit Malewar

Be fast, avoid light, and roll through a curvy ramp.

electrons carry heat and charge
Quantum Physics

An old law still holds for quirky quantum materials

Amit Malewar

This surprising result is important for understanding unconventional superconductors.

experiment in which heavy particles
Quantum Physics

New radical theory unifies Einstein’s gravity with quantum mechanics

Amit Malewar

Postquantum theory of classical gravity.

futuristic hud background
Quantum Physics

Quantum squeeze to make clocks more precise

Amit Malewar

The Environment's noise affects the stability of clocks. A pendulum's swing can become unbalanced by a slight wind. Furthermore, heat can cause an atomic...

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