Social Science

Social Science

Study: How to address market-driven epidemics effectively

Researchers share insights from U.S. reduction of cigarette, sugar, and opioid consumption.

Public reaction to China’s three-child policy

Measures such as housing subsidies are praised, but extended maternity leave elicits concern.

Dogs react to human stress by making more pessimistic choices

New research from the University of Bristol shows that dogs pick up on human stress smells, making them more pessimistic about their choices. Published...

Women’s rights in Afghanistan: A study on support

“As a father of daughters”: Afghan men with eldest daughters more likely to favor women’s rights.

The holiday season: A time warp experience

Those excited for Christmas or Ramadan are more likely to feel they come quicker, study shows.

Painting roofs white can be more effective at cooling cities

Cool roofs are best at beating cities' heat!

Uncovering grading bias in German secondary schools

A study of more than 14,000 German ninth graders shows that a child’s report card shows bias.

The psychological and political characteristics of cryptocurrency owners

Cryptocurrency investors are more likely to report "Dark Tetrad" personality traits.

How does childhood home temperature influence thermostat setting?

The temperature of your childhood home, among other factors, may help predict your thermostat settings.

National bottle deposit fee can reduce plastic waste dramatically

How to increase the rate of plastic recycling

The psychology behind sharing false political information

Researchers found evidence that the desire to raise awareness may be an important motivaton.

The time it takes to decide can predict preference

Human social preferences can be determined just by decision speed alone.

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