Protected habitats: Biodiversity at risk

Models show tropical species are impacted by far-off threats on the landscape.

Top Stories

Depression and its impact on physical health


Phoenix galaxy cluster found in the act of extreme cooling


Life-like 3D synthetic materials move by themselves like worms


A new fabrication technique for high-performance photon detectors


Popular Stories

Camera-trap image of a leopard chasing a porcupine in The Udzungwa mountains of Tanzania.

Protected habitats: Biodiversity at risk


Models show tropical species are impacted by far-off threats on the landscape.

portrait lonely sad woman

Depression and its impact on physical health


Adults with depression accrue physical illnesses in midlife and older age faster than those without.

Phoenix cluster

Phoenix galaxy cluster found in the act of extreme cooling

Amit Malewar

Webb's observations help to explain the cluster’s mysterious starburst.


Life-like 3D synthetic materials move by themselves like worms

Pranjal Malewar

Bristol scientists herald active matter breakthrough with creation of three-dimensional ‘synthetic worms’.

Advancing reliable, scalable fractal superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors (SNSPDs)

A new fabrication technique for high-performance photon detectors

Amit Malewar

Overcoming design and performance challenges for scalable single-photon detectors.

Imaginatory fractal abstract background Image
Quantum Computing

The existence of a nuclear-spin dark state proved

Amit Malewar

Confirmation of this elusive state in quantum systems could lead to more efficient quantum devices.

electro-optic cavities

Measuring the electric fields of light trapped between two mirrors

Amit Malewar

Mirror, mirror trap the light.


Witnessing the birth of planets: Webb provides unprecedented window

Amit Malewar

An unprecedented window into the formation of planets around young star systems.


This newly discovered brain cell helps you remember objects

Amit Malewar

Discovery of these cells reshapes our understanding of how memory work.

PRL Scientists Discovered a Dense Sub-Saturn Using PARAS-2 Spectrograph at Mt Abu Telescope

Indian scientists discovered a dense sub-Saturn size exoplanet

Amit Malewar

It has a mass of 78.5 Earth masses.

Isometric blockchain indusrty
Quantum Computing

When qubits learn the language of fiberoptics

Amit Malewar

ISTA physicists achieve optical readout of superconducting qubits.

Earth’s acid test

Ocean acidity delayed early life formation by 500 million years

Amit Malewar

Earth’s acid test.

surface of the inner core

The surface of the Earth’s inner core may be changing

Amit Malewar

Earth’s inner core is less solid than previously thought.

Interactive Puppet Play Children Inviting Participation

Cultural identity and resilience: Insights into the meaning of life

Pranjal Malewar

Exploring the influencing factors related to college students’ sense of meaning in life.

Close-up of the Einstein ring

A stunning Einstein ring hiding in plain sight in a galaxy not far away

Amit Malewar

Euclid, the European Space Agency’s dark Universe detective, has made an astonishing discovery – right in our cosmic backyard.

Daughter holding weights while mom watching

Moderate-to-vigorous childhood exercise may delay the start of smoking

Pranjal Malewar

The present study is the largest and the longest follow-up of accelerometer-based MVPA and smoking behaviour.

Herculaneum scroll

Historic breakthrough: Inside of Herculaneum scroll seen for the first time

Pranjal Malewar

Researchers successfully generated the first image of the inside of scroll PHerc. 172.

quantum information tranfer
Quantum Physics

Qubits to qudits: A new device uses quantum principles to relay information securely

Amit Malewar

Using quantum mechanics to transmit information more securely

Chandrayaan 3 Lander Rover ISRO

The age of Chandrayaan-3 landing site confirmed

Amit Malewar

It dates back to the dawn of life on Earth.

in vivo imaging setup

Scientists discovered how our eyes correct visual distortions

Amit Malewar

ISTA scientists uncover how the brain unblurs vision during movement.

No quantum exorcism

The interplay between quantum theory and thermodynamics

Amit Malewar

No quantum exorcism for Maxwell's demon.


Astronomers discover the largest known structure in the Universe

Amit Malewar

It is named as Quipu.

Portrait of smiling young woman wearing heart shape sunglasses to boyfriend at home

Romantic relationships: Certain types of playfulness are linked to more secure attachment styles

Pranjal Malewar

Extending the study of playfulness in romantic life.

two girls how to assemble a thermo mosaic
AI & Machine Learning

eaSEL: A system to promote social-emotional learning and parent-child interaction

Amit Malewar

The work paves directions in how AI can support children's social-emotional reflection of media.


The hidden struggle: Microbial warfare within your gut

Pranjal Malewar

The hidden battle in your gut.

Atp synthesis mitochondrion depicted modern bio research infographic detailing process of oxidative

Mitochondria: A way to cut Diabetes

Pranjal Malewar

Cell’s powerhouse also dictates its fate.

open deep space computer model black hole image

Dark matter dominating halos of supermassive black holes 13 billion light-years away

Amit Malewar

New insight into the relationship between dark matter and supermassive black holes.

Transparent weather widget

MIT’s new validation technique for more accurate forecasts

Amit Malewar

A new approach for assessing predictions with a spatial dimension.

Side profile of young smiling brunette twin girls hugging and having fun in casual coat standing close to each other at autumn sunny park alley on blurry background.

Pregnancy complications put sister of women at increased risk of cardiovascular disease

Pranjal Malewar

Pregnancy complications linked to cardiovascular disease in the family.

measurement station

Tiny ice quakes take place in one of Greenland’s mightiest ice streams

Pranjal Malewar

Ice streams move due to tiny ice quakes.