NASA finds wind shear adversely affecting Haleh

NASA's Terra satellite offers visible imagery suggesting that northerly wind shear is largely affecting Tropical Cyclone Haleh and consistently weakening the storm. The image showed...

Sea ice acts as ‘pacemaker’ for abrupt climate change

The last glacial period was marked by pronounced millennial-scale variability in ocean circulation and global climate. Shifts in sea ice cover within the Nordic...

New tree rings analysis method may open insights to past climate

Accounting for both climate change and natural disturbances—which typically result in greenhouse gas emissions—is necessary to begin managing forest carbon sequestration. Gaining a complete...

New way to turn carbon dioxide into coal

Among the collection of greenhouse gases, carbon dioxide (CO2) is the one that has attracted the most attention with regard to global warming. This...

Pollution in Ganga harming riverbed sediments too: study

The excessive amounts of human waste and toxic effluents that find their way into the Ganga river are not only polluting the water but...

Your home is a hidden source of air pollution

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) refers to the air quality within and around buildings and structures, especially as it relates to the health and comfort...

Tiny satellites reveal water dynamics in thousands of northern lakes

Scientists at the Brown University used an army of small satellites and have shown that water levels in small lakes across northern Canada and...

Satellite images reveal interconnected plumbing system that caused Bali volcano to erupt

The previous eruption of Agung in 1963 killed nearly 2,000 people and was followed by a small eruption at its neighboring volcano, Batur. In September...

Water towers of Asia contain less water than estimated

The Himalayas are often called the water towers of Asia because of the vast amount of water locked in the form of ice in...

Marine scientists find toxic bacteria on microplastics retrieved from tropical waters

A field survey conducted by a team of marine scientists from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has uncovered toxic bacteria living on the...

Future sea level rise could be much lower than previously feared

Two papers distributed in Nature this week call into uncertainty ongoing forecasts of unavoidable Antarctic ice sheet collapse. The first paper proposes that continued...

Interdisciplinary approach the only way to address devastating effects of soil erosion

Soil erosion is a gradual process that occurs when the impact of water or wind detaches and removes soil particles, causing the soil to...

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