Abstract background with golden neon lights

The dynamics of the fictional universe’s viral system

A formula to describe the dynamics behind viral behavior in the Wild Cards series.

First tokamak plasma at the SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak—SMART—recorded with a fast-framing camera in the visible spectral range

The SMART device has successfully generated its first tokamak plasma

One step closer to nuclear fusion with its first plasma.

3D visualization of an ELM in the ASDEX Upgrade tokamk as simulated with the MEGA code

Scientists learn how energetic particles affect plasma edge stability

The role of particles in the stability of a tokamak plasma edge.

tuned terahertz light

Magnetizing a material with light

A powerful tool for controlling magnetism.

matter-antimatter illustration

Shedding light on two pieces of the matter-antimatter puzzle

CP violation in decays of baryons and in decays of beauty hadrons into charmonium particles.


First-ever evidence of the antimatter partner of hyperhelium-4

The finding also represents the first evidence of the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus yet at the LHC.

Nuclear fission chain reaction

First precise mass measurements of several exotic atomic nuclei

A new approach to uncover proton halo structures.

The two-dimensional spatial distribution of mass

New insights into how mass is distributed in hadrons

Scientists calculated the trace anomaly for both nucleons and pions.

Researchers designed realistic photonic time crystals

A breakthrough in photonic time crystals could change how we use and control light.


The first 3D X-ray of a Skyrmion magnetism vortex

The results open up new avenues for nanoscale metrology for spintronics devices.

Superconductivity: the mystery of Fermi arcs solved

Superconductivity: Scientists have finally solved the mystery of Fermi arcs

In certain materials, electrical charge can only move in very specific directions.

atomic nucleus

Atomic nucleus unveiled: A glimpse at quarks and gluons

This long-standing deadlock has only now been broken.

gravitational effect

Gravity can exist without mass, researcher shows, for the first time

Mitigating the need for hypothetical dark matter.

Super photon

Scientists created an ‘imprint’ on a super photon

A method could have potential applications for tap-proof communication.

Experiments are underway to recreate the conditions at the heart of neutron stars

Heavy ion collisions could create the world’s strongest electric field

Future particle-physics experiments may inadvertently generate fields stronger than the most intense lasers.

W boson candidate

Physicists accurately measured the mass of the W boson

While the result is different from what they hoped, it’s also exactly what they thought it should be.

A sphere with many connected lines and the words all connected in the center

Fermilab short-baseline detector detects its first neutrinos

Experiment turns on to search for answers to mysteries and evidence of new physics.


Antimatter research: Scientists cool Positronium to near absolute zero

Scientists slow exotic atom to make it easier to study and explore antimatter.

Abstract light painting in the dark

Scientists created a one-dimensional gas out of light

The method used in the experiment by the researchers could be used for examining quantum effects.

Iron filings showing magnetic field lines

First thickness-dependent transitions in two-dimensional magnetic material

An important discovery in the study of van der Waals (vdW) magnetic materials.

Antihyperhydrogen-4 created in a heavy-ion collision

Breakthrough: Heaviest antimatter hypernucleus to date

This is the heaviest antimatter hypernucleus discovered in experiments to date.


Scientists uncovered exciton behavior in van der Waals magnets

Understanding these quasiparticles could be key to unlocking and harnessing new technologies.

Intense laser pulse focused on a solid target drives

Indian scientists devised a method to measure ultrahigh power, ultrashort laser pulses

The team used a specially designed instrument to measure the time profiles.


Milestone! Researchers made superheavy element

A breakthrough that enables the lab to try to make new element 120.

An incident laser beam (green) hits Caltech's new space-time metasurface and gets modulated by tunable, nanostructured antennas, creating steerable beams of light at different frequencies (blue) that could be used as optical channels for transmitting data on Earth or in space.

Caltech’s nanoscale device can reflect and direct light in desired ways

The innovation is pointing the way to future wireless communication channels.

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