Molecular harmony at life’s doorstep

Codon-centric RNA binding in nucleotide–amyloid interplay analysis.

Scientists studied the stickiness of ice containing everyday contaminants

Bidding adieu to sticky ice, but with a grain of salt.

Scientists discovered hidden structural regularity in Silica glass

The regulation of the atomic configuration is not uniform in all directions.

Scientists discovered how to produce the vital agricultural fertilizer

New method uses a catalyst to make synthetic urea.

UCLA-led advancement redefines Nobel Prize-winning technology

Improved imaging for small protein targets at 3 Ã… resolution.

Antibiotics boost tough bacteria in gut

Antibiotics create a nutrient-rich environment for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

Energy storage in molecules

Optimizing molecular photoswitches for solar energy harvesting.

Scientists use quantum devices to slow chemical reactions by a factor of 100 billion

What happens in nature in femtoseconds observed in milliseconds?

How do clouds make ice?

Unlocking the mysteries of freezing in supercooled water droplets.

A non-toxic and sustainable cleaning agent for painting

New cleaning agent for artworks investigated with neutrons at the FRM II.

Theoretical evidence for a liquid-to-solid phase transition

Improved understanding of glassy dynamics could help scientists explain why a liquid behaves like a solid.

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