The microscopic phases of magic-angle twisted bilayer graphene were observed for the first time

New study captures behavior of interacting electrons that give rise to insulating states.

First evidence of ‘quantum superchemistry’ observed

Breakthrough could point way to fundamental insights, new technology.

Scientists successfully arranged nanoscale quantum sensors on desired targets

The sensors enable high-resolution magnetic field imaging.

Black holes ring: Physics to pay close attention

New methods will allow for better tests of Einstein's general theory of relativity using LIGO data.

A newly discovered phenomenon makes atoms transparent

We never knew this transparency window existed.

Quantum ‘magic’ could explain how space and time emerged

Physicists relate the quantum property of ‘magic’ to the chaotic nature of black holes for the first time.

World-first experimental wormhole to help unravel the deepest mysteries of the universe

One of the first practical applications of the much-hyped but little-used quantum computing technology.

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