
Paradox-free time travel is theoretically possible

Physicist 'squares the numbers' on time travel.

A remarkable echo effect discovered

The return of the spin echo.

Understanding the process of early human development in the womb

The placenta is initiated first, as cells of a fertilized egg divide and specialize.

Study offers an eloquent explanation for violent eruptions at volcanos

Study shine light on tiny crystals behind unexpected violent eruptions.

New approach to exotic quantum matter

A new approach to anyon detection.

Study explores the benefits of sport in memory and motor learning

If sport is good for the body, it also seems to be good for the brain.

Earth’s early microbes relied on arsenic to exist

The findings give a strong sense of the early conditions of Earth.

Why objects moving through superfluid lack a speed limit?

The discovery may guide applications in quantum technology, even quantum computing.

The science of guessing

Scientists discover what happens in our brains when guessing.

Study identifies a process that might have led to the first organic molecules

How did the first organic molecules arise, before the origin of life?

How liquids take up heat?

A link between the microscopic movements of particles in a liquid and its ability to absorb heat.

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