Researchers add new sea cucumber species to research toolbox

Advancing biomedicine and ecological conservation.

Ship scrubbers cause great damage to the Baltic Sea

Millions in costs due to the discharge of scrubber water into the Baltic Sea.

Warming Arctic is connected to higher Pacific salmon abundance

‘Open gates’ in warming Arctic are expanding salmon range.

Shipping lanes threaten whale shark feeding grounds

Most dangerous areas for whale shark-shipping vessel collisions revealed.

Scientists discovered how the river Nile evolved over the past 11,500 years

Crucial shift in River Nile’s evolution during ancient Egypt discovered.

Bee diversity is lower in wealthier Boulder neighborhoods

Impact of wealth and pavement on garden biodiversity.

An effective way to eliminate termites

Impact of wealth and surfaces on insects in community garden.

The fastest rate of natural CO2 rise over the last 50,000 years

A detailed chemical analysis of ancient Antarctic ice.

How do humans impact Earth’s deep subsurface?

The current fluid movement rates induced by human activities are higher.

The impact of microplastics on the Galápagos Islands Food Web

And excretion rate may determine whether or not these microplastics also bioaccumulate across trophic levels.

Cool paint coatings: Study shows 1.5°C cooling effect 

A first of its kind real-world study.

Heatwaves and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Brazil

48,075 deaths in 2000-2018 could be attributed to the increasingly frequent heatwaves in Brazil.

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