Reducing electronic waste with biodegradable luminescent polymers

Researchers manipulated the chemical composition of materials to make the polymers more recyclable.

Chimps communicate back and forth using gestures like human

Chimpanzees gesture back and forth quickly, like in human conversations.

Dogs react to human stress by making more pessimistic choices

New research from the University of Bristol shows that dogs pick up on human stress smells, making them more pessimistic about their choices. Published...

New study clarifies how soft materials fail under stress

This will ultimately help engineers design better materials that meet future challenges.

New ambient-energy-driven membrane to remove CO2 from the air

Pumping carbon dioxide out of the air.

Small Yet Mighty: Peatland Microorganisms have a big impact on climate

Researchers identified ‘talented’ microorganisms with genes for transforming polyphenols in peatlands.

Tiny freshwater animals steal antibiotics from bacteria to protect themselves

These small animals protect themselves from infections using antibiotic recipes stolen from bacteria.

New research finds a missing piece of Earth’s puzzling phosphorus cycle

Minerals play a newly discovered role in Earth's phosphorus cycle.

Cooling power of sea ice is decreasing faster than its area

The Arctic has lost around a quarter of its cooling power since 1980.

Giant Armadillo: Evidence of early human exploitation in Argentina

Tool marks could be among oldest known evidence for human occupation in southern South America.

New tool exposes gender inequality across US states

Links between gender inequality, wellbeing, and involvement in #MeToo movement also unveiled.

How climate change is altering the Earth’s rotation and day length

The speed of rotation will now also depend much more on the climate.

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