New material could enable more efficient magnet-based computer memory

Metallic compounds reduce computing's carbon footprint, speed processing, & enable AI training.

Raw data demonstrates brain-like signals in learning and listening

Language Experience Shapes Speech Encoding in Convolutional Layers & the Brainstem.

AI takes over microbial experiments: accelerating research progress

Mapping Microbial Metabolism with BacterAI: No Prior Knowledge Required.

Artificial intelligence programs consume a large amount of water

Cloud data processing centers face high water costs due to power and cooling.

AI-based tools aid in measuring patient’s attitudes toward cholesterol medications

A new approach to understanding patient attitudes toward cholesterol drugs.

The Role of Circumstances and Personality in Determining Happiness

The Interplay of Behaviors, Circumstances, & Psychological Traits in Pursuing a Good Life.

Astronomers developed an AI to communicate their stellar research better

Distilling technical astronomy terminology into simple, understandable English.

Solar cells for IoT devices with AI-powered energy management

Environmentally-friendly, high-efficiency photovoltaic cells.

Glasses with AI can read a silent speech

Acoustic sensing enables silent speech recognition without eyewear.

AI uncovered a secret equation for weighing galaxy clusters

A better way to estimate the mass of colossal clusters of galaxies.

Evaluating the interpretability of AI technologies

Shining a light into the ‘‘black box’’ of AI.

A new method to boost the speed of online databases

The method accelerates data retrieval in huge databases.

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