

A patterned chip with Hall bar devices of ultrathin niobium phosphide film

New ultrathin conductor promises more efficient, cooler electronics

Amit Malewar

Stanford Researchers Unveil Niobium Phosphide: A Game-Changer for Nanoelectronics.

New 3D material harvests energy from body movements

New 3D material harvests energy from body movements

Jay Kakade

Generate electricity by attaching the product to your clothes!

Crystal Structures

Researchers invented new method to reveal Crystal Structures

Jay Kakade

The new method can determine crystal structures underlying experimental data thus far difficult to analyze.

xldot 3D mapping

3D mapping of material microstructure at the nanoscale

Ashwini Sakharkar

New X-ray-technique to probe the 3D orientation of a material's building blocks at the nanoscale.

A thinner material for insulating buildings

A new material insulate buildings more efficiently

Jay Kakade

This new insulation has an energy-saving effect and is significantly thinner than conventional materials.

flower-like zinc oxide

A special class of particles delivers medicine through the bloodstream

Pranjal Malewar

Delivering medicines with microscopic flowers.


A new device uses magnetic fields to move objects without touching them

Jay Kakade

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new device that leverages magnetic fields and kirigami design principles to remotely control the flexible dimpled...

metallic shaving

Rice hull ash could help batteries store more charge

Ashwini Sakharkar

Ash from burned rice hulls could nearly double the energy density of typical lithium-ion batteries.

The microparticles seen here are made of biodegradable polymers that dissolve in the stomach to release encapsulated vitamins and minerals.

New biodegradable material to replace the plastic beads

Ashwini Sakharkar

MIT chemical engineers designed an environmentally friendly alternative to the microbeads.

film capacitor

Researchers use AI to discover a record-breaking material for film capacitors

Jay Kakade

Researchers use an innovative set of machine-learning models to discover a record-breaking material for film capacitors.

transverse thermoelectric device

A new efficient way of converting heat into electricity

Jay Kakade

Breakthrough in Clean Energy: Scientists Pioneer Novel Heat-to-Electricity Conversion

foldable bottlebrush polymers

New discovery could rewrite the textbook on polymer engineering

Jay Kakade

A new design by researchers at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Science could solve the 200-year-old challenge in polymers. It...

NTU's novel perovskites.

Researchers develop new semiconductor materials that change color

Ashwini Sakharkar

Designing color-changing semiconductor materials.

Dr Shelley Wickham (left) and Dr Minh Luu review an image via the transmission electron microscope at Sydney Microscopy and Microanalysis.

‘Velcro’ DNA origami helps build dancing robot and nano-dinosaur

Ashwini Sakharkar

Innovative structures pave the way for advanced robotics – and mini dinosaurs.

Revealing New Insights into Aluminum Ablation

New method reveals how lasers ablate Aluminum

Jay Kakade

A team of researchers from Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCSD, and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have made advancements in a longstanding issue of laser-induced...

Blurred night lights

World’s first ultra-thin film that absorbs all electromagnetic waves

Ashwini Sakharkar

The material capable of absorbing over 99% of electromagnetic waves from various frequency bands.

greyscale of a building

3D-printed concrete offers enhanced strength, durability, and lower carbon emissions

Ashwini Sakharkar

Researchers are developing a more sustainable, printable cementitious composite.

The newly developed material—both semiconductor and hydrogel at the same time—ticks all the boxes for an ideal bioelectronic interface.

New material can create better brain-machine interfaces, biosensors

Ashwini Sakharkar

A new hydrogel semiconductor represents a breakthrough in tissue-interfaced bioelectronics.

AI chip

New machine learning model predicts dielectric function of materials

Ashwini Sakharkar

The model speeds up dielectric materials development as a step toward 6G networks.

The new porous material for capturing carbon dioxide, called a covalent organic framework (COF), has hexagonal channels decorated with polyamines that efficiently bind carbon dioxide molecules (blue and orange balls) at concentrations found in ambient air.

New absorbing material could help get the world to negative emissions

Ashwini Sakharkar

Capturing carbon from the air just got easier.


Self-stabilizing Sn-based anodes for all-solid-state Li-ion batteries

Ashwini Sakharkar

KERI's innovation in anode materials for solid-state batteries was selected as a cover article.

Ioanna Tsimouri has invented a damping yet rigid laminate that she drops for testing.

ETH researchers create a stiff material that stops vibrations and noise

Ashwini Sakharkar

New composite material combines two incompatible properties.

An image depicting enrichment of gold atoms at triple junctions among nanocrystals. A triple junction refers to the point where three different grains within a material meet at the nanoscale.

Corners where atoms meet help develop materials for extreme conditions

Ashwini Sakharkar

Innovating in the corners where atoms meet.

KERI's 'microwave induction heating technology' was used to rapid production of 'hard carbon', an anode material for sodium ion batteries, in 30 seconds.

Quick and easy way to produce anode materials for sodium-ion batteries

Ashwini Sakharkar

A groundbreaking process technology that enables ultrafast preparation of hard carbon anodes.

The fibers can pick up objects over 80 times their own weight under various conditions.

Researchers create first web-slinging technology inspired by Spider-Man

Ashwini Sakharkar

The web-slinging technology in which a fluid material can shoot from a needle.

combination of layered gray carbon netting and rubber materials

Deep-learning model to’ reverse-engineer’ new composite materials

Ashwini Sakharkar

Deep-learning model that can customize microarchitecture based on specific needs.

Photon Momentum Enabled Light Absorption in Silicon

Light momentum turns indirect silicon into direct semiconductor

Ashwini Sakharkar

This revelation promises to revolutionize our understanding of light-matter interactions.

Solid sodium-ion conducting chloride electrolyte.

Researchers discover a promising electrolyte for all-solid-state batteries

Ashwini Sakharkar

The solid electrolyte shows high conductivity, formability, and electrochemical stability.

New adhesive using elastomer makes lighter, more carbon-efficient vehicles possible.

Stronger, more flexible adhesive can enable design of lighter vehicles

Amit Malewar

New adhesive using elastomer makes lighter, more carbon-efficient vehicles possible.

Researchers Reza Moini and Shashank Gupta create stronger and more durable building materials.

Engineers develop tougher concrete inspired by human bone

Amit Malewar

Human bone-inspired hollow concrete is 5.6 times more stronger

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