Trees with grassy areas soften summer heat

Trees are considered to be nature’s air conditioners, making them the most practical way of alleviating the heat in cities. Trees cool their environment and...

Drought treatment reorganizes plants’ microbiomes

A new study by the Department of Plant and Microbial Biology (PMB) suggests that presenting sorghum plant to drought conditions may enrich of a distinct set...

Fish have ears, so man-made noise threatens their survival

An 'acoustic mist' from speedboat clamor, submerged development, and other man-influenced marine sounds to can undermine the survival of fish and their capacity to...

Carbon taxes could make significant dent in climate change, study

Putting a cost on carbon, as a charge or expense on the utilization of petroleum derivatives, combined with restoring the produced income to people...

Sustainable use of forests mitigates climate change in many ways, study

Economical utilization of woodlands and biodiversity protection have a long-haul and far-reaching outcome for the fate of our planet. What is the ideal measure...

How changes in climate and land use will impact groundwater?

Researchers from UNSW and Germany are directing exploration this week at Wellington Caves in NSW as a feature of a worldwide undertaking to better...

Climate change could raise food insecurity risk, study

Environmental change is relied upon to prompt more extremes of both overwhelming precipitation and dry season, with various impacts in various parts of the...

Measuring the effects of natural events on wildlife

Hokkaido University researchers in Japan have came up with an approach that helps scientists understand how wildlife populations are affected by major natural events, such...

Air pollution impact on childhood asthma, study

The investigation, driven by the University of Leeds, likewise indicates that activity-related air contamination could be particularly in charge of up to 24% of...

20% Americans are responsible for almost half of US food-related greenhouse gas emissions

A new study from researchers at the University of Michigan and Tulane University suggests that On any given day, 20 percent of Americans account...

New low-cost, sustainable green material for reducing air and water pollution

Particulate matter, solid particles and liquid droplets found in the air and emitted from power plants, industry, automobiles, and fires, is ubiquitous in cities and...

A new type of coating inspired from Butterfly wings

Disease due to air pollution is the third-leading cause of death in developing nations. According to an estimate, more than 5 million people worldwide die every...

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