A fundamental mechanism that controls the body’s response to limited oxygen

A shared genetic trait that could predict a higher risk of small lung vessel disease.

How do cellular surroundings function in tissues?

A new algorithm developed.

Scientists find a protein that stabilizes mitochondria in ALS

VAP anchors mitochondria for local energy support during synaptic changes.

Over 30 new species of bacteria discovered in patient samples

Some of these are associated with clinically relevant infections.

New insights into metabolites that control aging and disease

Deciphering molecular mysteries.

Scientists identified a protein that prevents cellular ageing

A tidy cell seems to keep aging at bay.

Cell transformations yield significant impacts

Actin isoforms network for specific functions.

New procedure reduces the risk of mitochondrial disease transmission

"Swinging away" removes more cytoplasm from transferred nuclear material.

Starring the genetic molecule RNA

Smell’s sensory magic emerges from intricate developmental mechanism.

CellHint: New methodology unifies single-cell data

Creating harmonised, applicable datasets for the study of human health and disease.

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