Nano Letters

Nano Letters

A new fabrication technique for 3D printing objects a thousand times smaller

Scientists reinvented the technique to allow for printing objects a thousand times smaller: 150 nanometers.

Nanosheet technology boosts the energy density of dielectric capacitors

A nanosheet device with the highest energy storage performance yet seen.

Nanotube sensors can detect and distinguish gibberellin plant hormones

The nondestructive nanosensors could have wide applications in agricultural science.

Flat, pancake-sized metalens image the lunar surface

First ultrathin, compact metalens telescope capable of imaging far-away objects.

An innovative tool for measuring electron dynamics in semiconductors

Insights may lead to more energy-efficient chips and electronic devices.

New artificial nanostructures for infrared absorption technologies

A new method to confine and absorb infrared (IR) light with GaN nanostructures.

Scientists engineered a functional optical lens out of 2D materials

Ultrathin materials are increasingly replacing traditional thick glass lenses used today in cameras and imaging systems. These engineered lenses — known as metalenses, consist of materials constructed at...

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