Amit Malewar

Amit Malewar is the Founder and CEO of Tech Explorist and Inceptive Mind. He has been writing and editing at Tech Explorist for over six years, covering everything from science, space, robotics, and technologies that change our world. He is fascinated by the mysteries of the universe.
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NASA’s Juno spacecraft discovered Texas-size cyclone on Jupiter

Data from JIRAM suggest the new cyclone's wind speeds average 225 mph.

Maxwell’s electromagnetism extended to smaller scales

A general framework for incorporating and correcting for nonclassical electromagnetic phenomena in nanoscale systems.

Heat energy can travel through a complete vacuum

Heat energy leaps through empty space, thanks to quantum weirdness

Fiber optic cables hold untapped potential for monitoring severe weather

Fiber-optic cables capture thunderquake rumbles.

Weighing supermassive black holes

New link found between mass of Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies.

How spiral-shaped galaxies get their iconic shape?

Our Milky Way galaxy has an elegant spiral shape with long arms filled with stars, but exactly how it took this form has long puzzled scientists.

99% of Indian companies set to adopt multiple Hybrid Cloud within 3 years

Indian organizations to witness extensive adoption of cloud technologies in the next few years, with a majority of them using Hybrid Cloud within three years itself.

Converting graphene into diamond film

Synthesis of the thinnest possible diamond-like material starting from bilayer graphene and without high pressure.

How the brain produces cognition is finally understood?

Neural activity in rat orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is instead highly structured: single-neuron activity co-varies with an individual variable.

New paper-based sensor to detect potent nerve toxins

Sensor combined with smartphone application can detect the presence and amount of two pesticides thought to be used in chemical warfare.

Astronomers discovered a giant planet orbiting a dead white dwarf star

The planet is thought to be over four times the size of the Earth-sized white dwarf.

Baby boy’s and girl’s immune systems respond differently to prebiotics and probiotics

Probiotics and prebiotics work differently in girls and boys.