Georgia Institute of Technology
New, low-cost cathode could radically improve lithium-ion batteries
It could potentially transform the EV market and large-scale energy storage systems.
Antibiotic-free bacteria annihilation: The power of modified stainless steel
This modified stainless steel could kill bacteria without antibiotics or chemicals.
Electrochemical reactor converts CO2 removed from air into useful material
The approach is cheaper and simpler while requiring less energy.
Scientists investigated how multicellular life evolves from scratch
Long-term experimental evolution in the lab.
The role of stem cells in customized regenerative therapy
Researchers used an intracellular toolkit to identify effective cell therapies.
Physicists discovered a new quantum state in trimer-honeycomb material
The transformation allows for a billion percent increase in the material’s conductivity.
Scientists used machine learning to understand how water behaves
This is the first time anyone has been able to study this transition with this level of accuracy.
New dynamical framework for Turbulence
Compelling evidence that coherent structures can be harnessed to predict how turbulent flows evolve.
Skin itch mechanisms differ on hairless versus hairy skin
Research breakthrough could inform different treatments for chronic skin itch sufferers.
Soft wearable monitor made using soft electronics offers long-term health monitoring
Most commercially available health monitors rely on rigid electronic housing coupled with aggressive adhesives and conductive gels, which can cause discomfort and damage to...
Discovery advances the field of color-changing materials
Research allows switch from crystal clear to opaque.
World’s fastest creature may also be one of the smallest
Which is the fastest animal in the Earth? Most people will answer Cheetah, falcon or even a sailfish. But Saad Bhamla at Georgia Institute of Technology...
Flexible, wearable oral sodium sensor to enhance hypertension control
Hypertension can lead to increased blood pressure and heart complications. The main cause of this includes taking too much salt. To monitor salt intake, specialists at...
Real-time CAPTCHA technology improves biometric authentication
Captcha technology– initially an acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" – is broadly used to keep bots...
Asteroid ‘Time Capsule’ can explain how life started on Earth
Asteroids mimic a major role in apocalyptic threats, where they also get blamed for destroying the species of dinosaurs. But, according to the researcher Nicholas Hud, Georgia Institute...
New, self-assembled Hairy nanoparticles could give double punch to cancer
A new approach to concurrently introduce both therapeutic drugs and cancer-fighting heat into tumors has been discovered. This oncoming research on hairy nanoparticles made...
Daydreaming is Good. It Means You’re Smart
According to a new study by the Georgia Institute of Technology, daydreaming while working or doing something else shows your smartness and creativity. Such people with...
New Fabric Uses Sun And Wind To Power Devices
Scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology developed a new fabric that gathers power from both the sun and the wind. Scientists have combined...