ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich

How climate change is altering the Earth’s rotation and day length

The speed of rotation will now also depend much more on the climate.

New battery design promises more energy and less environmental impact

It could significantly boost the range of electric vehicles.

Basketball-sized meteorite hit Mars almost daily

Seismological data from NASA's Mars InSight lander to derive a new impact rate for meteorite strikes on Mars.

Researchers detect electron vortices in Graphene at room temperature

The discovery could help in studying other exotic electron transport effects.

A generative AI develops drug molecules based on the 3D surface of proteins

Generating active pharmaceutical ingredients quickly and easily.

Limescale-repellent coating to improve thermal power plant efficiency

A hydrogel-based coating that effectively prevents the adhesion of limescale.

New MRI procedure to visualize multiple sclerosis

The loss of myelin sheaths in the brain is a hallmark of multiple sclerosis.

Highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells

Highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells coupling together before they fuse.

Artificial muscles for robot motion

Lighter, safer, more robust.

New agent halts stress response

PROTAC tech targets stress receptors.

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