Duke University

New research shows how glassfrogs achieve transparency

The work could lead to new avenues of research tied to blood clots.

A small glowing protein allows peering into living tissues

Proteins that emit longer wavelengths of near-infrared light help create detailed, hi-res biomedical images.

New brain imaging approach breaks long-standing speed and resolution barriers

The fastest photoacoustic imaging tool available.

Older people are emotionally strong, study

According to a new study by the Duke and Vanderbilt University psychologists, older people tend to stay emotionally strong. They are better able...

Slower walkers have older brains

Retrospective analysis shows the slower walkers could have been identified at age 3.

Right whale mothers whisper to their babies to protect them

As new moms, North Atlantic right whales tone down their underwater vocalizations and “whisper” to their young calves to avoid attracting predators.

New insight into the world’s deepest-diving mammal

Recent research that focused on Cuvier's beaked whales has aid marine biologists to know more about the world's deepest-diving mammal. Scientists found that the...

Teens who self-harm more likely to commit violent crime

Teens who self harm themselves for more than three times- are more likely to commit a violent crime, suggests a new study. Such teens- dual...

Sound waves could provide liquid biopsies

Circling tumor cells (CTCs) are little pieces of a tumor that split away and flow through the bloodstream. They contain an abundance of data...

Study: Uranium spoiling groundwater in Rajasthan

India extracts more than a third of worldwide groundwater resources and more than 90% of this is being used for irrigation. Long-term exposure to...

Novel method to measure N2 fixation in the ocean

Current methods for quantifying N2 fixation in the ocean are time-consuming and laborious that involves discrete sample collection at sea, incubation, and analysis at...

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