HomeChiba University

Chiba University

optical cooling in quantum dots
Quantum Technology

Advancement in solid-State Optical Cooling with Quantum Dots

Jay Kakade

In a recent study, researchers from Chiba University have proposed a promising approach for solid-state optical cooling using quantum dots based on perovskite materials....

white silkworm

Silkworm moth’s odor detection may improve technologies in robotics

Ashwini Sakharkar

A study offers new insights into odor source localization technologies in robotics.

pile of sacks

Developing advanced carbon dioxide-absorbing building materials

Ashwini Sakharkar

Carbon dioxide absorption using cement-based materials.

Solar power plant in the field

Satellite data help guide plans for solar power plants

Ashwini Sakharkar

Insights from satellite data pave the way to better solar power generation.

By analyzing long-term satellite observation data and using a new method that treats aerosols as tracers, researchers found that these pathways from China are shifting slightly northward due to global warming.

Using aerosols to detect climate change

Amit Malewar

Using aerosols to understand changes in transboundary air pollution pathways due to climate changes.

Sport workout gloves closeup

Novel foldable pouch actuators improve soft rehabilitation glove design

Ashwini Sakharkar

A new design holds promise in clinical hand rehabilitation applications.

Researchers elucidate the cross-species genomic interactions between Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and host cells

Hijacking host genome: Epstein-Barr virus & Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma

Pranjal Malewar

Smart Maneuver!

3D hologram display

Using deep learning to generate 3D holograms from 2D images

Amit Malewar

Simplifying 3D hologram generation.

3d rendering ovum with needle for artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization

Advancing our knowledge of early human embryo growth

Dr. Prajakta Banik

Differences in gene activity in reprogrammed human 8-Cell-like cells.

The dependence of the number of galaxy clusters on the total amount of matter

Matter makes up 31% of the total amount of matter and energy in the universe

Amit Malewar

A research team relies on measuring the number of galaxy members to determine the mass of galaxy clusters.

New technique uses laser to slice semiconductors from diamonds.

New technique uses laser to slice semiconductors from diamonds

Ashwini Sakharkar

A pivotal step toward making diamonds a suitable semiconductor material for future technologies.

data storage systems

New urea-based metal-free system allows high-density data storage

Ashwini Sakharkar

This work will pave the way for lightweight flexible electronic devices.

Recent Stories

A rare Pterosaur fossil has a Crocodile bite mark on its neck bone


Exotic electron crystal uncovered in graphene

Quantum Physics

Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration releases new images of M87*


New epilepsy tech enhances the accuracy of routine EEGs


Fast radio burst found in outskirts of an ancient galaxy
