
Traffic noise raises stress and anxiety levels
Nature soundscapes lower stress and anxiety, while road traffic noise raises them.

The impact of stress and distress on mental wellbeing
In new study, distress was associated with traditional paranormal beliefs but not with new age philosophy.

A new approach to overcoming skin cancer resistance
A topical treatment, like a gel or lotion, to directly target skin cancer, which could be safer than oral treatments.

Tooth enamel proteins provide insights into human health
While tooth enamel has helped identify a person's sex, this research focuses on serum proteins in the enamel.
Moderate coffee may reduce heart and metabolism disease risk
According to new research, drinking moderate amounts of coffee or caffeine may help protect against diseases like type 2 diabetes, strokes.
The relationship between PTSD and early menopause
PTSD often causes mental health problems like anxiety and anger and can also lead to physical issues like headaches and body aches.
Lack of support after medication errors harms healthcare worker
Doctoral Researcher Sanu Mahat urges healthcare organizations to recognize the "second victim" phenomenon and create support systems.
Depressed teens are twice as likely to use e-cigarettes
A University of Sydney study found a strong link between poor mental health and e-cigarette use among Australian high school students.
Chromatin’s role in reviving blood stem cells after stress
Hmga2, a chromatin regulator, controls stress responses in hematopoietic stem cells and aids blood recovery.
Distinguishing between physical and mental causes of pain
Physical issues often cause severe pain, but emotional and social factors can affect how we feel and respond to it.
Parents’ humor improves relationships
Humor can ease tensions and improve relationships in parenting, helping both parents and children feel better in stressful times.
Illinois youth’s mental health crises declined after COVID
Outpatient ER visits for depression and anxiety dropped and in-patient hospitalization rate stayed the same, indicating mental health crisis.
Impact of skipping breakfast on children’s life satisfaction
A new study shows that regular breakfast is linked to higher life satisfaction. Children who often skip breakfast are less happy than those who...
Dogs react to human stress by making more pessimistic choices
New research from the University of Bristol shows that dogs pick up on human stress smells, making them more pessimistic about their choices. Published...
Caregiver stress: Cell damage linked to poor health
The study “Mitochondrial health, physical functioning, and daily affect: Bioenergetic mechanisms of dementia caregiver well-being,” published in Psychosomatic Medicine, is one of the first...
Ancient large kangaroos primarily walked on all fours
Limb proportions in kangaroos and the likely movement of extinct Protemnodon.
Board game popularity among autistic individuals
Exploring board games' role for autistic individuals.
A new method for managing emotional stress
Effective emotion regulation through social good reappraisal.
High-fat diets may increase anxiety levels
High-fat diets affect gut-brain signaling and induce anxiety in male rats.
The role of specific nutrients in cancer defense
Nutrient-based therapy to reactivate melanoma metabolism.
Blood test detects potentially fatal heart condition in children
Blood biomarkers predict risk in children's heart disease.
Feng shui design: Enhancing hospital room benefits
Image-based online study shows no benefits, however, of virtual room designs incorporating the golden ratio.
Environment influences mother-child problems talk
Best places for moms and teens to talk about stress.
The science of reducing stress with dogs
EEG scans reveal specific changes in brain activity while petting, walking, and playing with a dog.
Investigating the science behind the Wim Hof Method
Wim Hof method can reduce inflammation by increasing epinephrine and decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokines.
Active social lives boost well-being in dementia care
Social isolation linked to hospitalization, nursing home entry in older adults.
Deep breaths: Essential for anger management
A study on anger control activities: What makes anger rise or fall?
Stressed-out brain cells are the cause of neurodegenerative disease
Constant stress triggered by clumping proteins is killing brain cells.