Machine learning

Solving problems of analytic continuation using deep learning

Inverse problems are addressed in numerous areas of physics, with the analytic continuation of the imaginary Green's function into the real frequency domain being...

AI-powered system can automatically rewrite outdated Wikipedia articles

The system can be used to augment datasets to eliminate bias when training detectors of "fake news."

New Algorithm Predicts Gestational Diabetes

According to the new algorithm, nine parameters are sufficient to accurately identify the women who were at a high risk of developing gestational diabetes.

Developing machine learning tools to design better solar cells quickly and cheaply

The broader goal is to demonstrate that machine learning can help rapidly design all kinds of technologies.

System helps smart devices find their position

Connected devices can now share position information, even in noisy, GPS-denied areas.

AI chip called Tianjic can control a riderless autonomous bicycle

It seems like we are one more step closer to the future filled with humanlike thinking machines. A team of Chinese scientists has successfully...

Learning better simulation methods for partial differential equations

Google engineers recently introduced a method called data-driven discretization for learning optimized approximations to partial differential equations (PDEs) based on actual solutions to the known underlying equations.

AI to determine Bat species believed to transmit Nipah virus to humans

Nipah, a deadly virus responsible for recent Nipah outbreak in Kerala following one that occurred in 2018, generally transmitted to human from fruits or...

First-ever mind-controlled robotic arm that works without brain implant

Controlling external devices and detecting mental intent using the brain-computer interface (BCI) technology has opened doors to improve the lives of patients suffering from...

Cracking open the black box of automated machine learning

For the first time, MIT scientists have developed an interactive tool that allows users to see and control how automated machine-learning systems work. Dubbed...

Machine Learning may help capture fusion energy on Earth

Machine learning is an application of artificial intelligence (AI) that provides systems the ability to automatically learn and improve from experience without being explicitly...

Can science writing be automated?

Science writers are sometimes known as scientific journalists. They report on scientific news for the media, sometimes taking on a more investigatory, critical role....

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