Invar alloys stay the same size when heated

The Invar effect: A thermodynamic explanation.

ATLAS measured Higgs boson’s mass with unprecedented precision

New result from the ATLAS experiment at CERN reaches the unprecedented precision of 0.09%.

Studies confirm the theory of superfluid helium

A groundbreaking milestone in studying how vortices move in these quantum fluids.

Passive gravitational mass and active gravitational mass are always equivalent- study

Despite doubts from quantum physicists: Einstein's theory of relativity reaffirmed.

Deep light imaging improves illness detection

Offset optical coherence tomography enhances high-contrast imaging in turbid media.

A new method might enable the mass generation of fusion energy

Dynamic shell formation has been demonstrated experimentally for the first time.

First snapshots of fermion pairs

JILA physicists make record-breaking measurement of a key electron property.

Direct visualization of the zero-field pair density wave

Tunneling spectroscopy confirms exotic superconducting state in iron-based superconductor.

A new type of atomic nucleus discovered

The nucleus is the lightest isotope of astatine discovered to date.

A new switch discovered for superconductivity

The scientists discover a new superconductivity switch.

Physicists created turbulence in a tank

Tempest in a teacup!

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