Marriage boosts health and well-being in aging men

No association was found between marriage and optimal aging among women.

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It is known how marriage changes in old age affect successful aging. Scientists wanted to determine if different marriage patterns relate to physical health and well-being and if these effects differ for men and women.

A new study that followed more than 7,000 middle-aged and older Canadians for approximately three years found that married men or men who became married during the study period were twice as likely to age optimally compared to their never-married male peers.

Among married respondents who became widowed or divorced during the study period, women who had never married were twice as likely to age ideally. Regarding ideal aging, married women did not differ considerably from single women.

Optimal aging is freedom from any severe physical, cognitive, mental, or emotional conditions that prevent daily activities, as well as high levels of self-reported happiness and good physical and mental health.

David Burnes, Professor, and Canada Research Chair at the University of Toronto‘s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work, said, “Previous studies have shown that marriage is associated with better health outcomes for both men and women, while men who were never married generally had the poorest health outcomes. It may be that married people encourage each other to adopt or maintain positive health behaviors such as quitting smoking or exercising regularly.”

An optimal level of health was more likely to be maintained in old life among older persons who were not socially isolated. Those who were socially isolated as older adults were less likely to age optimally than those who maintained regular relationships with friends, family, and neighbors.

“Being socially connected with others is important, especially in later life. Having regular contact with relatives, friends, and neighbors can help older adults feel connected, reduce their sense of loneliness, and improve their overall well-being,” says Eleanor Pullenayegum, a​Senior Scientist at The Hospital for Sick Children (SickKids) and professor at the University of Toronto.

“It is essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle, no matter how old we are. For example, it is never too late to quit smoking,” says senior author Esme Fuller-Thomson, Director of the Institute for Life Course & Aging and Professor at the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work. “In our study, those who were former smokers were much more likely to be aging optimally than those who continued to smoke.” 

“Our study underlines the importance of understanding sex-specific differences in aging so that we can better support older men and women to continue to thrive in later life,” concluded Mabel Ho, a recent doctoral graduate at the University of Toronto’s Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work (FIFSW) and the Institute of Life Course and Aging. “Our findings can inform the development of programs and services to engage and support older adults, particularly those who were never married or experienced widowhood, separation, and divorce in later life.”

The study also found that lifestyle factors such as maintaining a healthy body weight, being physically active, not having insomnia and not smoking were essential in maintaining optimal health in later life.

Journal Reference:

  1. Mabel Ho et al. The association between trajectories of marital status and successful aging varies by sex: Findings from the Canadian Longitudinal Study on Aging (CLSA). International Social Work. DOI: 10.1177/00208728241267791
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