University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

New study clarifies how soft materials fail under stress

This will ultimately help engineers design better materials that meet future challenges.

Soft skin pads can be efficiently manufactured using 3D printers

How 3D printers can give robots a soft touch!

Environment influences mother-child problems talk

Best places for moms and teens to talk about stress.

Moms’ advice helps teens, even if ignored

Moms' advice and youth reactions to academic challenges.

Mouse model uncovers early Alzheimer’s biomarker

Early Alzheimer's disease seizures are promoted by overactive protein 95.

Lettuce should be refrigerated to minimize E. coli contamination

Attached is E. coli O157:H7 on leaf surfaces, highlighting the susceptibility of leafy greens.

Chameleon-inspired tech 3D prints multiple colors from a single ink

This printing approach is capable of altering structural color during the printing process.

Detecting higher-order topological insulators

Just like a book can’t be judged by its cover, a material can’t always be judged by its surface.

Novel antifungal molecule safely kills fungi

Optimizing sterol extraction for kidney-friendly polyene antifungal.

New steam condenser coating could boost global power efficiency

The coating could cut 460 million tons of carbon dioxide and 2 trillion gallons of water used per year.

New water purification system cuts both costs and energy consumption

The electrified future of clean water!

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