Monash University

Monash University

Cybercriminal threats are mainly from a few countries

A new World Cybercrime Index could help target investigative and preventive efforts more efficiently.

Monash drug tech: Anxiety treatment success in phase 2a trial

Monash innovation in anxiety treatment: Drug tech successfully lowers stress hormones.

Most considerable study shows that light affects mental health

Light exposure linked to psychiatric disorders in 85,000 people.

Living brain cell networks bioprinted in the lab

Scientists mimicked the arrangement of grey matter and white matter seen in the brain.

These activities are more strongly associated with avoiding dementia risk

The findings may help aged care professionals plan more targeted approaches to reducing dementia risk.

Aspirin linked to increased anemia risk in healthy older adults

Low-dose aspirin linked to increased anemia risk in seniors.

Pancreatic beta-cells reactivate to produce insulin

The drug stimulates pancreatic beta-cells to release insulin.

Polar fish prioritize growth over reproduction

Polar fish experience lower mortality than tropical fish, allowing them to delay reproduction until later in life when they are larger and can produce...

Melbourne scientists discover an enzyme that can generate electricity from tiny amounts of hydrogen

An enzyme from soil bacteria converts air into electricity.

Almost nowhere on earth is safe

World first study into global daily air pollution shows almost nowhere on earth is safe.

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