
Individuals who consume marijuana have high levels of metals in their blood and urine

The results indicate marijuana is a source of cadmium and lead exposure.

Stormwater Biofiltration increases coho salmon hatchling survival

Bioretention filtration prevents acute mortality and reduces chronic toxicity for early-life stage coho salmon.

Study examines links between drinking water quality and increased lung infections in people with cystic fibrosis

The study sheds light on how water-quality elements may increase the risk of bacteria-related pulmonary infections.

Guidelines for extracting valuable materials from water

Extracting water resources enhances national security and the environment.

Oxygen holes: The new frontier in EV battery technology

Scientists crack the code on nickel-rich batteries.

Surprising: Metals can heal themselves

Microscopic cracks vanish in experiments, revealing possibility of self-healing machines.

Laser pulse creates exotic quantum material

A minimal distortion of the crystal structure at room temperature.

Chemists develop new chiral structure creation method

A UC Riverside study investigates sensing and anti-counterfeit technological applications.

Nasa’s new 3d-printed superalloy can handle high temperatures

A 3D printable alloy designed for environments.

Benin Bronzes are composed of metal sourced from Germany

The renowned Benin Bronzes are composed of metal sourced from Germany, according to a study published April 5, 2023 in the open-access journal PLOS...

Wastewater disposal from oil production caused the most powerful earthquake in Canada

Wastewater injection caused a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Alberta.

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