

Mechanical computer relies on kirigami cubes instead of electronics

Mechanical computers with stable and high-density memory.

An ultra-energy efficient platform for brain-inspired computing

It can bring the energy requirements to about 100 times less than that of the human brain.

Enhancing ferromagnets for high-speed technology

Auto-oscillations and spin inertia in ferromagnets.

Creating digital babies for better infant care

Personalized models forecast infant growth & disease markers.

Computers will soon be able to understand human emotions

This advancement could significantly improve the interface between humans and smart technologies.

Surprising impact of presence hallucinations on social perception

Using virtual humans for hallucination detection in Parkinson's disease via numerosity estimation.

Analog computing can solve complex equations and use far less energy

A memristor device can solve complex scientific problems using significantly less energy.

AI assists mathematicians in recognizing new COVID-19 variants

Significant SARS-CoV-2 lineages identified via scalable ML techniques.

Researchers identify a method to double computer processing speeds

It doubles the processing power using the existing hardware already in these devices.

Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Boosting speed and accuracy of traditional computing.

AI tech discovers rise in tobacco-promoting social media posts

Computer vision enables scalable surveillance of e-cigarette products on Instagram and TikTok.

Decoding kids’ communication for adults

Understanding kids' language as grown-ups.

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