Social Media Users Have Negative Perceptions About Their Own Popularity, Happiness

According to the study conducted by the scientists from Indiana University, social media users with large connections are more likely to be happy. This...

Familiar Faces Look Happier Than Unfamiliar Ones

People tend to prefer things they're familiar with whether people, objects, or other stimuli. But why people like to prefer familiar things? It may...

Purposeful Leaders are Winning Hearts And Minds In Workplaces

Purposeful Leadership incorporates positive ethical values. In regards to people, the goal of purposeful leaders is to create the environment and provide the encouragement that...

Your Smile Can Gives You Away

Smile and the world smile with you is part of an old saying. But it's not necessary always. A new study by the USC...

The Astounding World of Fashion and Technology Are Merging

Fashion, however, is an art that lives, occurring at all hours of the day. The fashion industry is the made-to-order one, often based on a limited...

Factors That Lead to Greater College Success

Educational achievement is a national priority because it creates both economic and personal gains. Similarly, U.S. college enrollments are increasing for greater educational attainment. According to...

Fathers’ Brains Respond Differently to Toddler Daughters Than Sons

Father with toddler daughters are more attentive to daughter's needs than fathers with toddler sons. A new study suggests that Fathers sang more often for their...

Smartphones Changing Our Way To Make Moral Decisions

The use of a smartphone for each and every task is rising day by day. Even, people are using it for making moral decisions too....

Do Taking Selfies Make Us Self-Conscious?

In recent years, taking selfies have become a ubiquitous trend. As it gains more popularity, it becomes a topic for scientific research to catch up...

Abusing Power Hurts Leaders, Too

The 19th-century British historian once said, "power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Yeah, he was right, abusing power makes people act in ways that...

Swearing Can Actually Make You Stronger

Swearing during exercise boosts physical performance during exercise. A good swear session can cure just about anything. At the other hand, it also makes you stronger....

Stephen Hawking: Humanity Only Has Around 100 Years Left On Earth

Since the century or so, humanity has cultivated a great deal of innovation from airplanes to the smart devices. But, at the same time,...

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