Can LSD provide psychological strength and resilience?

Results from 5 million unemployed US job seekers cast doubt on the link between psychedelics and resilience.

Economic wealth and happiness: Examining the connection

Well-being increases with economic growth but decreases with rising income inequality.

US Islamist extremists form close-knit groups with mutual contacts

Close-knit clusters of extremists are formed through mutual contacts and the "birds of a feather" effect.

Environment influences mother-child problems talk

Best places for moms and teens to talk about stress.

The growing concern of internet addiction in adolescents

Brain signaling related to controlling behaviors, attention, and understanding our own emotions was altered.

Adding 46 minutes of sleep can measurably increase the ‘positives of life’

New study reveals how adding 46 minutes of sleep can measurably increase ‘positives of life’.

Social interactions shape infant language development

Brain responses and language growth in infants.

Moms’ advice helps teens, even if ignored

Moms' advice and youth reactions to academic challenges.

Infants hear more speech than music at home

Comparison of speech and music input for infants over two years .

College students have less empathy when they are less alert

Changes in alertness may undermine an individual’s ability to empathize.

Fear’s influence on decision making: A study

Women experiencing fear tended to prioritize smaller short-term gain compared to men.

The surprising connection: Low resting heart rate and crime in women

Low autonomic nervous system arousal might perhaps drive stimulation-seeking tendencies.

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