University of Plymouth

Chlorine disinfectant is no more effective at killing off superbug

New research explores the impact of using recommended chlorine chemicals.

New technique helps scientists examine energy use of developing embryos

A major breakthrough in the study of embryonic development.

Living in green neighborhoods linked to lower rates of smoking

Research showed people were 20% less likely to be current smokers and up to 12% more likely to successfully quit.

LEGO bricks could survive in the ocean for up to 1,300 years

The residence times of plastics in the oceans are obscure, mainly as a result of the durability of the material and the moderately short...

Seeing greenery in your neighborhood is associated with reduced cravings

Studies have shown that the families we grow up in, the places we work, and the friends we keep (our social environment) play a...

Hospital gowns retain superbugs even after being treated with disinfectant

Surgical gowns and other apparel masks, footwear, gloves) fill two needs: 1. protecting patients from microorganisms conveyed by the surgical team or patients themselves,...

Using robots and AI to understand deep sea

Benthic ecosystems are chronically undersampled, particularly in environments >50 m depth. Yet a rising level of anthropogenic threats makes data collection ever more urgent....

Frogs could vanish from ponds due to climate change

A deadly frog disease is spreading due to climate change. It is predicted that the entire frog population may vanish in the next 5...

New technology to empower Parkinson’s patients

Current guidelines propose that individuals with Parkinson's should receive a specialist review like at regular intervals, whatever the stage of their condition, more often...

Dentists underdiagnose when faced with time pressure, research shows

Dentists can miss important details on X-rays when put under time pressure, according to new research led by the University of Plymouth. The study showed...

Scientists blended smartphone to reveal what’s inside

Smartphones, mobile phones with more advanced computing capabilities and connectivity than regular mobile phones, came onto the consumer market in the late 90s. The...

Interdisciplinary approach the only way to address devastating effects of soil erosion

Soil erosion is a gradual process that occurs when the impact of water or wind detaches and removes soil particles, causing the soil to...

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