University of Gothenburg

University of Gothenburg

Quick home test identifies heart attack risk

Swedish researchers from the University of Gothenburg have developed a home questionnaire to identify high heart attack risk quickly. This test is as accurate...

New AI camera could help doctors detect severe infections

It might soon be possible to measure a patient's vital signs simply by scanning their face.

Vittrup Man lived on the Scandinavian coast before moving to a farming community in Denmark

DNA, isotope, protein analysis reveal genetic ancestry and migration of a human found in a peat bog.

Breakthrough material enables one-way glass and dark matter model

A kind of metamaterial that has been beyond the reach of existing technologies so far.

Shifting arterial disease patterns in diabetes

Peripheral arterial complications in Type 1 Diabetes & Type 2 Diabetes.

Widening day and night temperature difference can affect all life on Earth

A recent study conducted by researchers from Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg, among others, has revealed a shift in what scientists already knew...

Artery calcification is almost twice as common in night owls

The extreme evening chronotype may be linked.

Micromotors can generate green energy from wastewater

This is an interesting discovery.

Undetected glaucoma in older people

Glaucoma prevalence in Gothenburg's 70-year-old population.

Newer blood thinners linked to lower risk of bleeding

Oral anticoagulation and risk of bleeding in patients with venous thromboembolism.

Researchers created an effective treatment for most stroke victims

Groundbreaking findings bring hope for faster and better recovery after stroke.

Sea lettuce is a popular food found on the coasts

Researchers found 20 species of sea lettuce in the baltic sea region.

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