
Sand that flows uphill

Study details how applying magnetic forces to individual 'microroller' particles spurs collective motion.

Stormwater Biofiltration increases coho salmon hatchling survival

Bioretention filtration prevents acute mortality and reduces chronic toxicity for early-life stage coho salmon.

A four-legged robotic system capable of playing soccer on a variety of terrains

"DribbleBot" uses reinforcement learning to adapt to different ball dynamics.

Wastewater disposal from oil production caused the most powerful earthquake in Canada

Wastewater injection caused a magnitude 5.6 earthquake in Alberta.

Mussels and other aquatic animals protect coastal ecosystems

Mollusks help sustain salt marshes in the face of climate change.

Shape of sand grains influences the liquefaction of sand

There is a strong correlation between the two.

A sharp-tipped robot finger to identify buried objects

Slender robotic finger senses buried items.

Understanding the physics of granular matter using Magic sand

Children's toy an ideal modifier for interparticle adhesion and mechanical properties.

Sand dunes can ‘communicate’ with each other

A physics that hasn’t been part of the model before.

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