TOPICSQuantum Computer

Quantum Computer

New technique could bring us closer to a scalable quantum computer

A new pathway for industry to overcome challenges in qubit fabrication and quality control.

A simple internet with significant possibilities

Physicists demo first metro-area quantum computer network in Boston.

Milestone: Quantum simulation with circular Rydberg qubits

The significance of circular Rydberg atoms.

Quantum breakthrough: World’s purest silicon pave towards powerful quantum computers

New super-pure silicon chip opens path to powerful quantum computers.

Physicists arrange atoms in high proximity

The technique opens possibilities for exploring exotic states of matter and building new quantum materials.

Largest photon emission enhancement for single T center to date

Study shows promise for advancing quantum networks.

Josephson harmonics describe quantum bits more precisely

Josephson tunnel junctions are more complex than previously thought.

Classical computers can keep up with and surpass their quantum counterparts

Boosting speed and accuracy of traditional computing.

Breakthrough in quantum materials research

The advance will allow researchers to transform everyday materials into conductors.

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