TOPICSMental health

Mental health

Frequent childhood moves increase the risk of adult depression

A new study from the University of Plymouth shows that people who move frequently before age 15 are over 40% more likely to be...

Unlocking the business value of mental health training for line managers

Benefits also seen for staff recruitment and retention, customer service, and sick leave.

A new method for managing emotional stress

Effective emotion regulation through social good reappraisal.

Let’s rethink fatness, academic suggests

The Acceptance of fatness.

Poor health and stress in 20s harm cognition in 40s

Early adulthood CRP changes linked to midlife cognition.

World-first research shows walking alleviates back pain

A randomized trial shows that the walk-back program prevents back pain relapses.

New PhD student to study mental health benefits of surfing

Virtual surf booth: Studying how a 6-week surf program affects mental health.

Boosting mental health support among men

Future research and practice directions in men's mental health peer support.

Impact of heat and cold on early brain development

Early heat and cold influence children's white matter.

Anxiety and PTSD among displaced Ukrainians: Study

A study comparing mental health and blast exposure found differences.

Low-intensity exercise connected to decreased depression

Physical activity and mental health complications.

Parents can control tween’s screen time

Media parenting and adolescent's screen time.

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