

Moms’ advice helps teens, even if ignored

Moms' advice and youth reactions to academic challenges.

Student preferences: On-campus attendance vs. remote learning

Are online teaching materials emptying out university classrooms?

Improved sleep boosts memory for complicated situations

Sleep helps in forming connections between memories for multipart events.

Mathematical theory predicts self-organized learning in real neurons

Mathematical theory predicts self-organized learning in real neurons.

The learning and memory genes date back 650 million years

This discovery will open new important research avenues that will clarify the origin of complex behaviours.

Online videos can provide students more effective learning experience

eLearning is learning to utilize electronic technologies to access educational curriculum outside of a traditional classroom. YouTube has become a popular platform to learn...

Rose fragrance improves learning during sleep

Odor cues during learning and selectively during slow wave sleep increases learning success.

How our brains remember things depends upon how we learn them

Oxford University researchers have discovered that learned knowledge is stored in different brain circuits depending on how we acquire it.

Rewards may actually mask true knowledge

Performance on cognitive tasks during learning is used to measure knowledge, yet it remains controversial since such testing is susceptible to contextual factors. To...

New interactive technology to help children with special needs learn better

With funding from Temasek Foundation, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU Singapore) researchers have developed an interactive educational tool called the i-Tile, which makes learning...

How the arts can help students who struggle most?

Strong correlational evidence suggests that involvement in the arts improves students’ academic outcomes and memory of learning events. Although it remains still unclear whether...

Serotonin speed up the learning

Serotonin is one of the principal chemicals that nerve cells use to communicate with each other, and how it impacts behavior is still not...

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