
Not all bitter tastes are harmful

Freising, July 22, 2024 — A bitter taste is usually a warning of toxins, but not all bitter things are harmful. Some peptides and...

How does childhood home temperature influence thermostat setting?

The temperature of your childhood home, among other factors, may help predict your thermostat settings.

Supercapacitors can help charge your laptop in a minute or your electric vehicle in 10

Charging Times Revolutionized: Breakthrough Discovery in Energy Storage

Gas stoves emit dangerous Nanoparticles, Study

A recent study by Purdue University found that cooking on a gas stove can emit more nano-sized particles into the air than gas or...

A global Nitrogen mystery unraveled

The study could significantly changes the understanding of ammonia oxidation.

Night shift survival: Ideal nap strategy for new parents and workers

The impact of short and long naps on alertness and performance: A reanalysis.

LionGlass: A new glass for the future

Super strong, eco-friendly glass: 10x strength, half carbon emissions.

An energy-efficient method for capturing and converting carbon dioxide

Capture carbon dioxide with MIT's electrochemical device for renewable electricity.

Scientists at ISTA explain how pulsing pumping can save energy

Reducing turbulence with heartbeat-inspired flow control.

New steam condenser coating could boost global power efficiency

The coating could cut 460 million tons of carbon dioxide and 2 trillion gallons of water used per year.

The effects of LEED certification on energy efficiency in federal buildings

No effect of LEED certification on average energy consumption in federal buildings.

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