Cyber security
Cybercriminal threats are mainly from a few countries
A new World Cybercrime Index could help target investigative and preventive efforts more efficiently.
Researchers reveal ambient light sensors on smart devices can be used as cameras
Ambient light sensors on smart devices to capture touch interaction images like swiping and tapping.
A new type of random number generator for encryption
The new technology paves the way for a new type of quantum communication.
Evaluating cybersecurity methods
The system analyzes the likelihood that an attacker could thwart a certain security scheme.
The new AI model aims to fill critical gaps in cybersecurity readiness
Scientists link resources to improve prioritization, spot attacks more quickly.
Hackers can steal data via cooling fan vibrations
Israeli scientists have found a way through which hackers can steal sensitive data from the highly secured computer just by tapping into the vibrations...
Alert! Your Siri and Google assistant can be hacked with Ultrasonic Waves
Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning have enabled new game-changing technologies for humans to interact with machines using voices. It...
International cyber security Center to tackle growing and emerging challenges in cyber Security
Imperial, one of UK’s leading universities in cybersecurity Research along with partners in the US, Japan and UK has founded an international Cybersecurity center...
Photons trained for Singapore optical fibre obstacle course will deliver stronger cyber security
Beneath many cities are complex networks of optical fibres that carry data, encoded in pulses of light, to offices and homes. Researchers from the...
New transmitter to protect wireless data from hackers
Todays' almost all equipment from all sectors are 'Internet of Things'. And this number is expected to increase by 2020. Along with this, the thing...
New framework to stop cyber attacks on internet-connected cars
Examining the risks of cybersecurity for new generations of smart which includes both autonomous and Internet-connected cars, scientists at the University of Texas at San Antonio...
Responding to cybersecurity incidents still a major challenge, IBM suggests
IBM Security today reported the consequences of a worldwide report investigating the elements and difficulties of being a Cyber Resilient association. The examination found...
Real-time CAPTCHA technology improves biometric authentication
Captcha technology– initially an acronym for "Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart" – is broadly used to keep bots...
Indian Student Develops Tool to Thwart Cyber Attacks on Small Businesses
An Indian student with his team at the Security Research Institute in Perth, Australia, that worked on the project to develop the tool. Termed as...
Security for Multirobot Systems
Autonomous robots have created a major area of research in computer science era. But in the literature on multirobot systems, security has gotten relatively...
The AI system that can detect 85% of cyber attacks, using input from human experts
Isn't it cool if we could predict cyberattacks before it happens? Predicting cyberattacks before it happens can help to prevent them. A Scientist team at...
Hack Proof RFID Chip to Improve Security of Credit Cards
Scientists from MIT and Texas Instruments have developed a new type of RFID chip, i.e., a Radio Frequency Identification chip, which helps to improve...