International cyber security Center to tackle growing and emerging challenges in cyber Security

Imperial, one of UK’s leading universities in cybersecurity Research along with partners in the US, Japan and UK has founded an international Cybersecurity center in Tokyo which is dedicated to next generation of cybersecurity professionals to understand global challenges they will face.


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The center was officially launched in Tokyo this week at a meeting in Tokyo brings the world’s leading experts to join in hands together to tackle the growing and emerging global challenges in cybersecurity. Members have already discussed to build security for large events like the 2020 Olympics being held in Tokyo next summer.

Professor Chris Hankin, Co-Director of the Institute for Security Science and Technology and Imperial’s lead for the Centre said: “Imperial is delighted to join international partners in launching the International Cybersecurity Centre of Excellence. This Centre will bring world-leading experts together to tackle the growing challenges facing cybersecurity and will help governments stay ahead of emerging threats.”

“In an increasingly connected world, cooperation from international researchers and partners will be essential to improve security in cities, for industry, and major international events such as the upcoming 2020 Olympics in Tokyo. Imperial has a vibrant cybersecurity community tackling cutting edge research challenges, educating the next generation, and working with industry.”

The five other founding institutions include Northeastern University and the University of Maryland in the US; Keio University and Kyushu University in Japan; and the Royal Holloway University of London in the UK. Several large corporations have also already provided funding for the new center, including CISCO, Adobe, Hitachi, NEC, Fujitsu, and Northrop Grumman.

Academic leaders at the signing
Academic leaders at the signing

The universities are considering creating an international security competition, in which teams comprised of groups of students around the world would hand off their work from country to country as the day progressed.

“The challenges this first-of-its-kind partnership aims to solve span a complex set of cybersecurity issues,” said David Luzzi, the senior vice provost for research at Northeastern University.

