
Oxytocin may treat obesity and postnatal depression

Obesity and postpartum depression are linked to loss of TRPC5.

The role of uncertainty in anxiety

Uncertainty over time causes anxiety and avoidance.

High-fat diets may increase anxiety levels

High-fat diets affect gut-brain signaling and induce anxiety in male rats.

Boosting mental health support among men

Future research and practice directions in men's mental health peer support.

Anxiety and PTSD among displaced Ukrainians: Study

A study comparing mental health and blast exposure found differences.

Feng shui design: Enhancing hospital room benefits

Image-based online study shows no benefits, however, of virtual room designs incorporating the golden ratio.

The science of reducing stress with dogs

EEG scans reveal specific changes in brain activity while petting, walking, and playing with a dog.

Positive emotions in adolescence affect long-term health

Happy and calm adolescents have lower anxiety and higher optimism than adults.

Are long COVID sufferers being ignored?

Implications of COVID-19 absences for employees.

Two-thirds of parents report concerns about sick days for adolescents

Parental perspectives on teenagers' concerns about sick days and academic performance.

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