Social Science

Parental conflict can do lasting damage to kids

It makes sense that guardians who physically or candidly mishandle their youngsters do them enduring harm, in addition to other things by undermining their...

Understanding luxury shopping destination preference of tourists

Shopping has become the main tourist activity and accounts for a considerable amount of tourism expenditure. Many previous studies have found that shopping tourists stay...

Parent satisfaction can be leveraged for SAT gains, study

SAT scores are a key metric used to evaluate understudy and school achievement. Universities utilize SAT scores in their affirmations procedure since the scores...

Finnish drivers use WhatsApp, PokémonGo and Tinder while driving

Specialists at the University of Jyväskylä followed how Finnish drivers utilize their cell phones while driving. Drivers appear to utilize indistinguishable applications in rush...

Grouping students into ability-based sets holds back less able pupils

Educators' desires of students in bring down sets, which depend on their earlier academics record and firmly attached to the conviction that their conduct...

Children from wealthier families more likely to secure grammar school places

A new study by the UCL Institute of Education shows that private coaching implies understudies from high-wage families are considerably more prone to get into grammar...

Who might be spying on your tweets in the name of science?

A new study by researchers from CU Boulder and the University of Kentucky suggests that some Twitter users are unaware that researchers freely collect and...

Living abroad leads to a clearer sense of self, study

A new study by the Rice University, Columbia University and the University of North Carolina that focuses on abroad living, suggests that it increases...

New way to make fragrances last longer

From floral perfume to fruity body wash and shampoos, scents heavily influence consumer purchases. Whenever consumers take a shower, they want their friends and...

It doesn’t pay to be just nice – you also need intelligence

The failure of individuals with lower intelligence to appropriately follow a consistent strategy and estimate the future consequences of their actions accounted for these...

Ratings rise over time because they feel easier to make, study

According to a study, people tend to attribute the increasing ease of making ratings to the items themselves rather than to the rating process,...

University education makes students more agreeable, honest

A current report distributed in Oxford Economic Papers shows that University education has a significantly beneficial outcome on the advancement of non-psychological abilities like...

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