Parent satisfaction can be leveraged for SAT gains, study

Gauging school success.


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SAT scores are a key metric used to evaluate understudy and school achievement. Universities utilize SAT scores in their affirmations procedure since the scores can demonstrate the probability of understudy accomplishment in school. Of course, helping their understudies to accomplish high SAT scores is a key objective of numerous state-funded schools and school locale in their progressing endeavor to hold understudies and increment enlistment.

According to a new study by the Rice University, instead of setting up complex procedures and strategies, customary government-funded schools can without much of a stretch measure their capacity to make SAT picks up by surveying consumer loyalty.

The examination estimated parent satisfaction with various schools and measurably corresponded it with the normal SAT scores of understudies. Results demonstrate an unmistakable and solid affiliation — parent satisfaction with their tyke’s school is emphatically connected with higher SAT scores. Actually, going from “exceptionally disappointed” to “extremely satisfied” is related to a 169-point pick up in SAT scores.

The inaugural 2017 Collaborative for Customer-Based Execution and Strategy (C-CUBES) Benchmark K-12 School Study depends on a broadly illustrative online review of 7,259 guardians led amid October through November. The objective of the progressing study is to give a proof based way to deal with consolidating the partner contribution to vital arranging and execution for state-funded schools. The room for giving and take was given or take 1 percent at the 95 percent level of certainty.

Study leader Vikas Mittal, the J. Hugh Liedtke Professor of Marketing at Rice said, “Many traditional public schools struggle to improve SAT scores, but they only look inward. By focusing on a systematic and scientific approach to measuring customer satisfaction, they can measure and improve their competency to affect outcomes like SAT scores, safety, and student retention.”

“This study provides evidence that the customer’s voice is a good barometer to measure outcomes that matter most to leaders, parents, students and other stakeholders. SAT is one such outcome.”

Additional members of the research team include Jihye Jung at Rice and Shrihari Sridhar and Yixing Chen at Texas A&M.

C-CUBES released its inaugural 2017 study on public schools and parent satisfaction, which focused on family and community engagement, Nov. 29. A summary can be viewed here. A second study, released Dec. 5, found that traditional public schools are less likely to earn an A or A-plus from parents than private or charter schools are.

A third study released Dec. 14, found that traditional public-school parents who are “very dissatisfied” with their child’s school are 2.5 times more likely to switch to a charter school than parents who are “very satisfied.” A fourth study, released Feb. 5, showed that safety, just behind family and community engagement, is one of the most import drivers of parents’ satisfaction with their child’s school.

