Scientific Reports

Scientific Reports

Dogs react to human stress by making more pessimistic choices

New research from the University of Bristol shows that dogs pick up on human stress smells, making them more pessimistic about their choices. Published...

Eco-friendly method protects squid eggs from new parasite

Raising squid in aquaculture has been challenging for decades due to their sensitivity to water flow, disease vulnerability, complex life cycles, picky diets, and...

Undergrad discovers key to improved Crohn’s treatments

Controlled pediatric Crohn's still shows duodenal microbiota imbalance.

Researchers discover first hydrothermal field at depths of 3,000 meters off Svalbard

Discovery of the first hydrothermal field along the 500-km-long Knipovich Ridge offshore Svalbard.

Researchers develop new efficient, environmentally friendly deicer

New deicing mixture offers higher performance than deicers on the market.

A new gamma-ray method for monitoring nuclear reactors non-invasively

The new method can improve nuclear safety and treaty compliance.

Researchers measure X-Ray Radiation from Lightning Strikes for the First Time

EPFL researchers have recorded X-rays being produced at the beginning of upward positive lightning flashes for the first time.

Highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells

Highly realistic simulations of the proteins on sperm and egg cells coupling together before they fuse.

New study raises concerns over eating salad in space

Lettuce and other plants are more susceptible to bacterial infections in space than on Earth.

A non-destructive cancer GPS for evaluating the malignancy grade

A water-soluble, luminescent europium complex.

Cannabis triggers hunger neurons in the brain

Cannabis sativa activates hunger neurons in the mediobasal hypothalamus.

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