
New, improved latch control helps build robots that leap like grasshoppers

The latch can be used to control jump performance across a wide range of terrains.

Dog-like robot sniffs hazardous gases in hard-to-reach areas

Demonstrations show its potential value in dangerous conditions.

Soft Robotapillar crawls with ease through loops and bends

The soft robot bends and twists through mazes with ease.

EPFL robot notably learned to transition from trotting to pronking

Trotting robots reveal emergence of animal gait transitions.

Why can’t robots outrun animals?

A detailed study of various aspects of running robots.

Meet ZenRobotics 4.0, an AI-powered waste-sorting robot

The robot is able to recognize over 500 waste categories.

Robot inspired by insect brains can avoid obstacles with ease

Darting around with a tiny brain.

Anthrobots: Tiny biological robots from human cells

The multicellular bots move around and help heal “wounds” created in cultured neurons.

Blood goes wireless

Practical scaling of molecular networks.

Scientists successfully printed a robotic hand with bones, ligaments, and tendons

Scientists have greatly expanded the possibilities of soft robotics.

Injectable tissue prosthesis for muscle/nerve regeneration

Instantaneous closed-loop rehab with injectable tissue prosthesis.

AI models to solve multistep robot manipulation problems

New technique helps robots pack objects into a tight space

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