Nerve cells in the retina of blind mice retain their visual function
A good news for retina implants!
New technique uses DNA microbeads to create complex organoids
Research team uses DNA microbeads to control the development of cultivated tissue.
A gene therapy restored helpful vision to patients with rare, inherited blindness
Scientists showed a very clean safety profile and efficacy.
Seaweed gel therapy for blindness caused by retinal detachment
Injectable hydrogel with tamponading function for retinal detachment.
Researchers discover ancient origins of light-sensing cells in retina
Specialized cells that simultaneously signal the presence of light in two unique ways.
Purdue’s computer vision device mimics the human retina
The device is geared to sense change, making it more efficient than digital camera systems.
Hopeful progress in retina cell research for battling blindness
A nanofibrous scaffold with fluocinolone acetonide enhances culturing of retinal pigment epithelial cells.
A new ML model can identify mild cognitive impairment from retinal scans
A non-invasive and inexpensive method of identifying the early signs of cognitive impairment.
Exploring the human retina: A detailed look
A new atlas illustrates how the human retina is developing.
Scientists now traced the 500 million-year-old origin of vertebrate IRBP to a bacterial source
Vertebrates acquired a special protein from bacteria more than 500 million years ago.
Google researchers developed an aging clock using deep learning on retinal images
Deep learning models can accurately predict biological age.
Producing eye tissue using stem cells and 3D bioprinting
Technique provides model for studying genesis of age-related macular degeneration and other eye diseases.
Adult brain has the potential to recover from inherited blindness partially
Eye-opening discovery about adult brain’s ability to recover vision.
Study uncovers genetic clues to age-related macular degeneration
The discovery will help better diagnose and treat this progressive eye disease.
Disrupted circadian clock poses a greater risk of retinal degeneration
A study of old flies offers new insight into retinal degeneration.
Scientists discovered a protein in rod cells of the retina that helps us see in dim light
More insight into how vision works.
A new type of nerve cell discovered in the retina
The newly identified Campana cell could play a role in visual signal processing.
Regenerating damaged nerve fibers in the eye
Technique to regenerate optic nerve offers hope for future glaucoma treatment.
Tracking the interactions of microscopic immune cells in a living eye
Imaging the secret lives of immune cells in the eye.
An artificial liquid retinal prosthesis
Liquid, biocompatible and micro-injectable, the new liquid retinal prosthesis is an aqueous suspension of photoactive nanoparticles that functionally replace the photoreceptors of the retina...
Scientists have created an artificial eye that can power itself using sunlight
Much effort has been made to develop artificial eyes, as well as bionic eyes, but fabricating the spherical shape of a human eye —...
Our pupils follow rhythms that arise in the environment
Our pupils also dilate when we see someone we're attracted to. It controls the amount of light entering the eye and hits the retina....
New device for the early detection of certain eyesight problems
In vivo observation of the human retina at the cellular level is crucial to detect the first signs of retinal diseases and adequately treat...
The science behind best lights to affect sleep, mood, and learning
A new study from UW Medicine suggests that the lighting that stimulates the cone photoreceptor inputs to specific neurons in the eye that regulate...
A drug used widely to treat a common eye condition has no benefit, study
Evaluating whether eplerenone was superior to placebo in terms of improving visual acuity in patients with chronic CSCR.
Scientists identified 45 new genes that cause blindness
Cardiac and visual degeneration arrested by a food supplement.
Scientists unveiled the first steps in the construction of vision
By decoding the genetic mechanisms that control the neurons of the visual system, researchers at UNIGE are unveiling the first steps in the construction...
Heavy smoking can damage your vision, study
Everyone is aware that smoking is indeed bad for the health. Still, some people do it anyway. Smoking has been proven a cause of numerous...