TOPICSMagnetic field

Magnetic field

Scientists discovered the highest energy gamma-rays ever from a pulsar

H.E.S.S. observatory records 20 tera-electronvolts photons from the Vela pulsar.

No, you probably wouldn’t see bolts of lightning flashing from Venus’ clouds

Venus may be a (slightly) gentler place than some scientists give it credit for.

Neutrinos are predicted to interact unexpectedly with photons

New insights into neutrino interactions.

Astronomers have detected the magnetic field of a galaxy so far away

Using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), astronomers have detected the magnetic field of a galaxy so far away that its light has taken...

Solar Orbiter found tiny jets could be the source of solar wind

Each jet lasts between 20 and 100 seconds, and expels plasma at around 100 km/s.

New method gives an accurate analysis of the historical time series of images of the Sun

Understanding the dynamics of the sun, solar cycle variations in the convection zone.

A living star likely to give clues to the mysterious origin of magnetars

Research team identified highly unusual star that may evolve into a magnetar.

A brand-new measurement of a property of the muon

Muon g-2 doubles down with latest measurement.

Unusual ultrafast motion discovered in layered magnetic materials

The discovery was inspired by the experiments of Einstein and de Haas.

Mystery solved: Why do certain metallic meteorites show traces of a magnetic field?

Collisions between asteroids might lead to the formation of metal asteroids.

New research offers clues on the origins of the Universe’s magnetic fields

The source of magnetic fields has long been debated. New research offers clues on their origins.

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