TOPICSMagnetic field

Magnetic field

Measuring and controlling interactions between magnetic ripples

Toward ultrafast magnetism-based computers.

Old stars may be best place for finding alien neighbors

Astronomers peeked into a star's magnetic secrets.

Ancient bricks unveil the strength of Earth’s ancient magnetic field

Insights into a mysterious anomaly in Earth’s magnetic field 3,000 years ago.

Turning ultra-thin carbon into surprisingly strong magnets

When terahertz pulses strike graphene discs

The second highest-energy cosmic ray ever detected

The particles are so high energy, they shouldn’t be affected by galactic and extra-galactic magnetic fields.

An extraordinary aurora-like display occured above a Sunspot

A peculiar type of long-lasting polarized radio bursts emanating from a sunspot.

A new perspective on the strong magnetic fields of a supermassive black hole

The results describe for the first time how light from the edge of the supermassive black hole M87* spirals.

NASA X-ray Telescopes unveil the magnetic field “bones” of a cosmic hand

It is located at the base of the “palm” of the nebula.

The importance of the Earth’s upper atmosphere in developing large geomagnetic storms

This research may help predict the storms that will have the greatest consequences.

Astronomers confirmed the presence of an infrared aurora on Uranus

The finding of Uranus' aurora provides hints about habitable cold worlds.

A new phase of high-density, ultra-hot water ice discovered

This phase could form at the right depths.

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