Machine learning

Plants do scream when stressed

Listen to the audio recording of plant sounds.

Machine learning enhances vertical-axis wind turbine performance

They used a genetic learning algorithm to determine the best pitch for a VAWT blade.

A new method calculates the mechanical properties of solids using machine learning

The new method also benefits from active learning on local atomic environments.

Enabling AI models to see the world more like humans do

Researchers enhance peripheral vision in AI models.

Several air contaminants are linked to children’s asthma symptoms

It’s not just one pollutant that can be linked to asthma outcomes.

Adaptive smart gloves can teach users new skills

The glove can help train surgeons and pilots.

New machine-learning technique promises 40% speed boost in real-world datasets

It predicts the future to optimize how information gets stored.

AI offers a detailed look at jets of plasma used to treat cancer

The software uses an approach known as a physics-informed neural network (PINN).

New robotic sensor uses AI to read Braille at 2x the speed of humans

The robot was able to read the braille at 315 words per minute.

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